801 California Street
Mountain View, California 94041

This gathering will be a beginning of a new life for your new / old blog.
Stop blogging for food, blog for real... money!

"A million dollar blog" Challenge.

We will create an Action Plan that takes you "there" vs "nowhere".
Join and make your peers hold you accountable for each step.

We will share insights on:
- content creation
- SEO (search engine optimization)
- bullet-proof tactics for driving traffic
- bloggers productivity tools
- content monetization alternatives

Since it is an introductory event where we together will define formats and content for upcoming meetings, we might have or might have not a speaker.

Sounds like a deal?

RSVP to attend: http://www.meetup.com/Blogging-for-real-money/calendar/13903862/

Share on social net.
Help us to attract more members to the group.
Bring a guest!

This event is sponsored by IdeaMama Ad Network (http://IdeaMamaAdNetwork.com)

Added by o.k. on July 12, 2010