14750 Conference Center Drive
Chantilly, Virginia

A Forever Home Rescue Foundation is an IRS approved 501(C)(3) non-profit organization that relies upon the generosity of sponsors and donors to enable us to fulfill our mission. Founded in 2002 by an experienced group of dedicated rescuers, AFH receives no funding from local, state or federal government entities.

We have worked hard to make AFH one of the best rescues anywhere. In the 10 years since our formation, we have rescued over 15,000 animals and have developed a wonderful group of volunteers. What you may not be aware of are some of the other things that our group has been involved in. To name only a few:
- We helped close down several puppy mill operations and several hoarders
- We recently took a hoarder operating as a “rescue” to court and won our case.
- We participate in local university animal awareness programs
- We work with local citizens to help them with animal-related hardships they are experiencing – ranging from financial assistance to accepting their beloved pet for placement into a new home
- We made five trips to the Gulf Coast region in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. We were one of the few rescues allowed to go into New Orleans immediately following the two hurricanes
- We led the charge to reform a rural shelter, forcing the county to build a new facility and to bring the Animal Control Officers accused of neglect to justice.
- We were recognized by the ASPCA and Best Friends Animal Society for some of these efforts
Throughout all this time, we have been operating without a place to call home. We have relied on the generosity of volunteers to provide us with unofficial “offices” and of PETCO to allow us to host our adoption events in their stores.
The Second Annual AFH Casino Night & Silent Auction is a benefit to raise funds for the next step in the Rescue’s evolution….

Imagine … A Forever Home for AFH!
We are currently looking for a property to purchase and develop. We have included below a conceptual drawing that depicts our vision. It is our hope to make this location serve not only as our headquarters, but also to allow us to help more animals in need. Over the next few years we hope to expand our efforts to include an animal sanctuary, a kennel, and more!
To facilitate this growth we are excited to announce a redux of our highly successful Casino Night and Silent Auction. On Saturday September 29th, we will be hosting a Casino Night and Silent Auction at the Westfields Marriot in Chantilly, VA. This will be a fun-filled evening of casino-style entertainment and a great opportunity to mingle with other interesting, animal-loving people!

Official Website: http://goo.gl/hz3mM

Added by GetPromotd Services on July 11, 2012