50 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow, Scotland G23JD

A BAR AT VICTORIA STATION (Bar na Victorii) - film at the Electron Club Open Day
6pm on Saturday 13th June 2009

FREE but ticketed

For more info see: http://www.electronclub.org
Contact: [email protected]

A Bar at Victoria Station (Bar na Victorii)

This film by Polish director Dawid Leszek is a selection from the upcoming Document Film Festival.

Piotr and Marek are two young Poles without work or qualifications who are convinced that leaving for England is the only way they can get rich. They are modest: opening a small bar at Victoria bus station will do for a start. Plans for a classy restaurant in London and a factory producing pharmaceutical packaging in Poland can wait until their first business is a success. However, after arriving in London, it becomes clear that they have been conned by a labour agent and opportunities for decent work without English are as rare as friends willing to take them in. This zippy film, shot in a direct cinema style, documents the phenomenon of East European labour migration and its pitfalls.

About the Electron Club

The Electron Club is a voluntary run space where people interested in things like free open source software, circuit bending, hardware hacking, computer recycling, streaming, audio and video editing, green technologies, and amateur radio can meet, use equipment, and share and disseminate their skills and ideas. The space supports both individuals developing their own projects and a number of group projects, all of which are not-for-profit initiatives with a community, educational or environmental aspect to them. Now in our third year, the Electron Club Open Days are an opportunity to see and try out a range of things that people do, as well as having the opportunity to meet others with similar interests, make, chat, discuss and enjoy. Document Film Festival are one of the groups who work from the Electron Club, and are the organisers of the UK's biggest festival dedicated to human rights documentary films.

Official Website: http://www.electronclub.org

Added by Electron Club on June 3, 2009

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