6712 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90028

70mm Print! 45th Anniversary! LORD JIM, 1965, Sony Repertory, 154 min. This vast, atmospheric adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s classic novel was aimed at recapturing the magic of LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, pairing actor Peter O’Toole with a gifted director in Richard Brooks (IN COLD BLOOD) and prestigious literary material. O’Toole is perfectly cast as an idealistic sailor who is branded a coward for abandoning an apparently sinking ship during a storm - then given a chance to redeem his conscience and his soul by aiding in a native revolution in the South Pacific jungle. Equally mesmerizing are Eli Wallach as a sadistic warlord, James Mason as an avaricious mercenary and Daliah Lavi as a courageous native girl. [70mm]

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Added by AmericanCinematheque on November 21, 2010