2777 Kalakaua Ave
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815

Plan to bring the whole family to celebrate Earth Month at the 6th Annual Mauka to Makai Environmental Expo, Saturday, April 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at the Waikiki Aquarium. The FREE expo will include hands-on educational displays, water pollution prevention games and ocean-related arts and crafts. Find out what a sea urchin looks like up close and why this little animal is so important to Hawai‘i’s reefs. There will be drawings for great prizes and a native Hawaiian plant giveaway. Brought to you by the City & County of Honolulu Department of Environmental Services and the State Department of Health.

Official Website: http://www.cleanwaterhonolulu.com

Added by Devon DeAngelo on March 6, 2013

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