20 Hazen Ave
Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 5A5

50 Paces an Installation by Alexa Clark
Curated by Peggy Woolsey
May 4 to June 4
Saint John Arts Centre
20 Hazen Ave
Saint John, NB

Opening Friday May 4, 5pm-7pm

Jim Clark had a heart attack. He lives alone on Moose Island isolated in the middle of the Kennebecasis River in New Brunswick. How did this drastic personal event become an international art installation that caught the imagination of photographers world wide?

In the winter of 2007, a trail of trees bedecked with photos from around the world marked a trail that linked Moose Island to the mainland. Taught to measure the thickness of the ice every 50 paces, Alexa Clark returned to the island and re-examined the connections of life. Her response to her father’s illness and choice of solitary lifestyle was to invite him to see what others see at measured paces from their homes. She invited Flickr photographers to participate and the resulting meditation on place began.

Saint John Arts Centre offers you a chance to pace the journey of a father/ daughter relationship that turned a desolate stretch of ice into a floating gallery that warmed the hearts of the world.

Come see the images and begin to count the paces in your life.

50 Paces Flickr Group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/50paces

Official Website: http://www.saintjohnartscentre.com

Added by lex on April 20, 2007

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