62 Argyll Arcade
Glasgow, Scotland G2 8AG

Join us in finding out more about the latest trends in technology and what they could mean to your business. The evening includes networking and three short 20-minute presentations:

• XCalibre shares the secrets of unbreakable servers
• Sharedbase challenges you to leverage your community
• Steven Webster, Technical Director, Adobe Consulting, explains Rich Internet Applications and their benefits to your business

These aren't sales pitches, but an opportunity to find out more about these leading edge trends in technology for business.

We've got an interesting evening planned and we hope that you'll join us! Numbers are limited, but the first people will be able to a have a foretaste of two new premium bottled lagers which are about to be imported into Britain by REC Brands, our sponsor for the night, so be quick and please sign up to confirm your place.

Added by sharedbase on June 13, 2007



The main attendee list is maintained at the event website, so check there to confirm your place.

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