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Boston, Massachusetts

Facebook for Beginners

Join Downtown Women's Club CEO and founder, Diane K. Danielson to learn more about Facebook and how to use it for business. We'll cover:

1. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or MySpace? Which one will work best for you.
2. Basics about signing up, friending and using your privacy settings
3. How to use groups and other applications
4. Marketing your business on facebook.

Diane K. Danielson is the co-author of The Savvy Gal's Guide to Online Networking (or What Would Jane Austen Do?) and The Savvy Girl's Alternative to Networking. In addition to running the DWC, she also gives speeches and runs workshops for companies on networking, both online and in person.
This class is free for Downtown Women's Club DWC+ members ($49.99/year includes 12 months of teleclasses plus past downloads). Visit to join.

All others can take this class for $29.99.

Official Website:

Added by dwc.erinmurphy on February 12, 2009

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