1515 Pease St
Houston, Texas 77002

Sunday, April 11th, 2010
Jet Lounge
1515 Pease
Houston, TX 77002
$9.00 online (http://tickets.aftonshows.com/SOULDIERSOFTHEMOSTHIGH)
$9.00 @ the door

Short Bio:
SWAYNE of Metro Houston (formerly Buffalo, NY), has been rapping since 1983, and has been , flowin' to heal, empower, lead and encourage since 1991. SWAYNE is the first known person to record over 9 projects with a Tracheostomy Tube in use. SWAYNE is available for Rapping, Beatboxing, and Motivational Speaking bookings.

Please purchase your tickets online today @:

To hear music samples, go to:

Official Website: http://www.aftonshows.com

Added by cprrec on April 8, 2010

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