4400 Ashford Dunwoody Rd
Atlanta, Georgia 30346

Held for over 20 years, the Epilepsy Foundation of Georgia's Magnolia Run includes a four-mile run and one-mile fun run/walk, hosted annually in June at Perimeter Mall to bring awareness and support to EFGA. This is a great way to spread the work about the resources available at the Epilepsy Foundation of Georgia. Last year, over 700 runners participated and all proceeds went directly to help fund support groups, educational programs, children's camps and medications for those in need. Come out for a fun-filled morning of exercise, good company, and philanthropy!
Event Details:
Where: Perimeter Mall -
4400 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA 30346
When: Saturday, June 11, 2011
Registration - 6:30am
4-Mile Run - 7:30am
1-Mile Fun-Run/Walk - 8:30am
Fees: 12 and Under - $20, 13 and Up - $25 until June 9th, $30 Day of Race

To Register:

Visit www.epilepsyga.org and register using the online registration center (preferred);
Visit www.active.com and register online;
Visit any of the five local Big Peach Running Co. location;
Fax a registration form to (404)564-3034

Official Website: https://annualcampaign.myetap.org/fundraiser/magnoliarun2011/

Added by Nicole Holubar on May 23, 2011

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