44 E Hawthorne Rd
Spokane, Washington 99218

Sal Rachele, from Sedona AZ, will present the sequel to his previous talk on ‘Earth Changes & 2012’.

• This evening will explore the precessional alignment of December 21,2012, and then will go beyond that time to the events and experiences
likely to unfold between 2012 and 2030 A.D.
• Sal and his spirit guides will detail the latest projections regarding the economic situation, what to anticipate in the real estate market, the prospects for war and peace, the specifics of safe places to live, lifestyles for thriving instead of just surviving, and much more.
• Sal will channel the Founders, who are 12th dimensional beings of pure light that come to Earth during pivotal times to bring their boundless wisdom and love.

Sal Rachele is a teacher, healer, mystic and priest, as well as a pioneer in the human development field, with almost 35 years of experience in mind dynamics, meditation, rebirthing, psychic and intuitive healing, transformational music and various therapies. Sal travels worldwide teaching cutting edge human potential workshops and seminars on the topics of healing and ascension. He is the co-founder of the Sananda Mystery School. Sal has produced numerous e-books, articles and channeled messages from enlightened ETs, angels and ascended masters. His website: www.salrachele.com

Call Debra at 509-276-4028 or [email protected] to register.
Sal has a limited number of private sessions available on Aug. 28, 30, 31.

Official Website: http://www.healingearthvortexes.com

Added by lightworker 2012 on July 22, 2009

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