500 Pine Drive
Flat Rock, North Carolina 28731

From the Times News, 2008---
The breeze was not consistent, but the sun's rays were strong at the 11th "Mighty Kite" Festival sponsored by Narnia Studios. The festival on Sunday took place for the first time at Bonclarken on 500 Pine Drive. More than 100 people came out to enjoy the weather and the kite-flying, said Barbara Hughes, Narnia Studio's owner.

"If you like kites, you kind of get into them. You get obsessed with it," said Linda Licht.

Kite fliers young and old came out to see the kites and fly a few. Narnia Studios donated drinks and kites for each participant. The event was moved to Bonclarken after being at Hillandale Elementary School because of construction at the school. Hughes said she's given away more than 275 kites over the last 11 years, but feels rewarded in the memories being made with kids and their parents.

"It's a day memories are made of," said Hughes.

Forrest Hammond, a member of WACKOS, a kite-flying club out of Charlotte, came out to see the kites and lent a few of the kites he's made for the youngsters to fly. Hammond won first place at the 2002 Smithsonian Kite Festival in Washington, D.C. He enjoys creating kites more than flying them, but came out to socialize with other people with an interest in the hobby. Hammond has been building kites for about 20 years and has made between 30 and 40.

"I make kites because I like to make them, not to fly them," said Hammond.

A large colorful kite of black, orange and white with a long red tail soars just above the tree line, with Brent Walker holding tightly onto the string. Walker started flying kites about 10 years ago and just became addicted. He remembered flying kites as a kid, but was reintroduced to flying kites by a friend.

"One thing led to another, now I have a (car) trunk full of kites," said Walker with a chuckle.
People were out with their families. Kids just conquering walking were holding on to the strings. Mike Fischer was out with his daughter, Hannah, flying a Winnie-the-Pooh kite she picked out. Hannah said she enjoyed "watching everyone flying kites."

"It's just a beautiful day," said Mike Fischer.

Official Website: http://www.narniastudios.com

Added by Narnia Studios on January 22, 2010

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